
Rough Draft

Baudrillard passed away yesterday. I've been in a bit of a fog about it. Reading his work changed many things for me. It fueled my interest in theory. It led me to drive to Boston to sit in on a conference. Aside from planning for school projects like this one, I think about his work every day. It's a bit awkward for me to write about my progress today.

Still need to enter SL, film residents and start editing. I'll be using a tutorial from http://www.machinima.com/article.php?article=433 to capture real-time video in SL.

Outline for Video

I. Introduction to Baudrillard's work in virtual reality
a. title page/ music from Hummingbird Cafe in Second Life
b. fade to residents dancing to music
c. cut to cover of book and Baudrillard's quote about "the desert of the real"
b. voice over and Montage of Second Life images

II. Introduction to Second Life

III. Filmed interviews with Second Life Residents
IV. Montage of residents in second life with voice over of argument

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