
Stealing my Avatar's Soul

Took a few shots of Mymeesis in the new digs.

Spent 23 years in my first life and haven't acquired a "normal" fashion sense.

Yeah, this one might take some time. For now, I like my new red jeans, Egyptian fabric top and black extensions. Black hair makes me feel tough. It's much longer than I would bother to grow in my "first life."

Many of the female avatars have very fancy outfits. I've seen women with wings, tall boots and glittery jewelry. I don't think I would feel very comfortable in an outfit that called attention to myself in Second Life. However, I think that I might fit in less right now because I'm not wearing a skirt or a different top. I want to assimilate, but I also want my character to look somewhat professional or academic. Not sure on which side of that divide my character currently resides.

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